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Starting With the Basics

Saudi Women Will be Allowed to Drive in 2018

         This past Tuesday, September 26th, 2017, the country of Saudi Arabia lifted a 32-year ban on women drivers in the country. CTV news reports that the decision comes after three decades of campaigning from activist to lift the misogynistic ban. Activists said on Wednesday that the decision is just one on a long list for demanding equality in the country. Saudi Arabia was the only country in the world that barred women from driving, women often faced arrest for their protests and for getting behind the wheel. The lifting of the ban, which comes into effect next summer, is the most dramatic step yet in a campaign by the king's son, 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to modernize the kingdom. The young royal has been promoting change as needed to boost the country's economy and ease international criticism, but he risks a backlash from powerful clerics from the ultraconservative Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Saudi Arabian woman's rights activist, Sahar Nasief had this to say about the ban being lifted "I am very optimistic about the future," she said. "Things have to change. People are demanding it. Young people don't want to live the way we lived. They want to live better. They want to live how other people are living."

            CTV news' lead for this story is informative and leaves the reader curious without revealing too much about the contents of the article. The most relevant information is presented first, that being that the ban is being lifted and the reasons why. The article then goes into the history of the woman's rights movement regarding the driving ban. The story ends on a high note, with a quote from a well-known activist on her hopes for the future of women's rights in the country. A link to the news article can be found here.

Duchess of Cambridge Pregnant With Third Child

         On September 5th, 2017 the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced that they are expecting their third child. They made the announcement early, as, with her two previous pregnancies, Kate is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which involves nausea and vomiting more severe than the typical morning sickness many women suffer during early pregnancy. The article states that regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, the baby will become the fifth in line to the throne behind big sister Charlotte, bumping Prince Harry down the line of succession.

          CNN's lead for this story is straightforward, stating the fact of the article first, then goes into more detail about the pregnancy and the royals. I think it is effective to those who just skim over the titles of articles. The most important information is told first, that being the Duchess is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. It then goes into details about the Duke and Duchess and their lives. A quote from Buckingham Palace reads "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child." The story ends on a note unrelated to the announcement, talking about the Duke's job, which in the context of the article isn't very effective. A link to the article can be found here.



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